Tuesday, September 09, 2014

My Top 4 Long Term Goals, Fall 2014 edition

I know it's not quite fall yet, but it's definitely starting to feel like it, and some of the leaves on trees are starting to change colour already. Back to school time always felt like a fresh start when I was going to school so I thought I'd freshen up my top 4 long term goals, and hope that putting it in writing where others can see may keep me more accountable.

1) Get out of debt, including the mortgage in 10 years. That's a pretty hefty goal, given my total debt right now. But I have to do something. I'm now maxed out on all my credit cards and my overdraft. That's not good. I don't want to be a slave to my debt for the rest of my life, and I want to retire debt free. 10 years allows me to still have some time to contribute to retirement savings, although I won't do as well as I would have if I could be saving more for retirement now.

2) Turn hobby into full time career. I mentioned my new hobby of jewelry making in a previous post, and I would love to be able to make this my full time job. For now, it's just a hobby, as I'm still learning the ropes, but I do have a few places to sell some of the items I think are good enough. I know being self employed isn't easy, and I'll have to work hard, but I need to do something about my current situation. It should be a great job, and it is, for someone else. It's just not a good fit for me. And I think it greatly contributes to my depression, so to get out of this environment would be a big benefit.

3) Save for retirement. Mentioned earlier, I need to save for retirement. I have some, but nowhere near enough. I took money from my RRSP for a down payment on a house, and I'm still trying to pay that back, but it's a struggle right now. Getting out of debt goes hand in hand with this goal, as not having to service my debt will allow me to put that money into savings, which should go a long way.

4) Organize my home and keep it clean. I'm not the best housekeeper in the world, and, shall we say, a bit of a pack rat. On top of that, my mom moved in with me and brought all her things, and she's a bit of a pack rat as well, at least with clothes and yarn! Not to mention, a friend of my mom's from a different province was taking a course here, and I somehow inherited a bunch of things from him. I hate to admit this is on my long term goals list, but it's not something that will change overnight. So I'm giving myself time to get my home the way I want it. And to keep it that way!

Those are the goals I'm looking forward to accomplishing in the long term. None of them will be particularly easy to accomplish, but with a lot of hard work, I'm sure I'll slowly start making a dent in these goals.

Thanks for taking the time to read, and feel free to leave a comment on your long term goals.


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